Favorite Discovery of the Day: July 28, 2008
Kristopher Turner
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
Funny when you discover a hunk you already know! That is what happened when I saw a movie a few weeks ago called 'Me And Luke'. The flick was a 'Hallmark' type flick with Louis Fletcher and a hottie who caught my eye named Kristopher Turner. It was a good film about a young father trying to stop his child from being adopted. A bit sappy, but quite well done. I began to try to research Kristpher when I discovered he is a cast member of the show Instant Star. Not sure how many of you have seen that show, but he looked completely different. In 'Me and Luke' his hair was longer and he was without his Instant Star Glasses. Anyway, Kristopher is quite adorable and I am looking forward to tracking down his other projects!

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