
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2017

Could You Use Some Of This

From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Look What I Found At "The Homo Depot" In The Mega Tool Isle

From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 31, 2016

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things Sam by Alex Hilbert

Cowboy Bunk Mates

From: Brent's Auto Wall

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 30, 2016

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Time to Relax

From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Dish of the Day #1951: I Like Men Week

From: Deep Dish Tyson Dayley

Favorite Click of the Day: July 29, 2016

Alex Valley by Tony Duran From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things   'I wanna be a model.  I wanna be an actor.  I just wanna get out of North Dakota.' Photographer Tony Duran 's latest Day Book features the artist's incredible images of the ultra hot Alex Valley . Duran blends fashion, tons of skin, not mention a strategy placed rotten orange in this creatively infused and sexually charged series of images of Alex. Tony Duran Day Book Alex Valley on Instagram

Dish of the Day #1950: I Like Men Week

Today's Dish is Eddie Eduardo by photographer Gabriel Gastelum . From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

A Room With A View

From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Favorite Discovery of the Day: July 28, 2008

 Kristopher Turner From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things  Funny when you discover a hunk you already know! That is what happened when I saw a movie a few weeks ago called 'Me And Luke'. The flick was a 'Hallmark' type flick with Louis Fletcher and a hottie who caught my eye named Kristopher Turner . It was a good film about a young father trying to stop his child from being adopted. A bit sappy, but quite well done. I began to try to research Kristpher when I discovered he is a cast member of the show Instant Star . Not sure how many of you have seen that show, but he looked completely different. In 'Me and Luke' his hair was longer and he was without his Instant Star Glasses. Anyway, Kristopher is quite adorable and I am looking forward to tracking down his other projects!

Night Call

From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Favorite CD I am currently listening to: In The Heights

July 27, 2008 From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things  After catching the cast of IN THE HEIGHTS perform on the 2008 Tony's I became obsessed with getting the soundtrack. I ordered it online and it arrived last week. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I think those who love musicals and those who love latin music, rap and even contemporary pop will love this soundtrack. Kudo's of course to the amazing Lin-Manuel Miranda and those behind writing this uplifting score. The musical is what a good musical should be, a simple story with some interesting characters and a great score. Although the whole cast is great on the soundtrack, I do have soft spot for anything sung by the beautiful Karen Olivo .   The brilliant writer and actor, and cute as hell Lin-Manuel Miranda  Some of The Heights Hunks: Christopher Jackson  Robin De Jesús (below with Lin-Manuel)  The very talented and hot Seth Stewart Ahh, Luis Salgado !

Dish of the Day #1948: I Like Men Week

From: Deep Dish


From:  Brent's Auto Wall

Favorite Birthdays for July 26th

Happy Birthday Today To: From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things Rugby's Benjamin Kayser turns 33 today.  Rugby's Fabrice Fiorèse turns 42 today.  The great Helen Mirren  with Oliver Martinez in 'The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone' turns a beautiful 72 today.  Actor Jeremy Piven who has the talent to both turn me off and turn me on, turns 52 today.  Kate Beckinsale  with the adorable Scott Speedman turns 44 today. Actor Kevin Spacey turns 58 today. No matter how many dramas she does, I still prefer Sandra Bullock in a great comedy. Sandra turns 53 today.