
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2017

You're Welcome

November 30, 2016 From: Boy Culture


November 30, 2016 From: Boy Culture Man on the Street

GIF Of The Day: November 30, 2016

That's One Successful Ass Spit Wad From: Fleshbot This is why they're professionals.  Ali* and Kaden Alexander at Bromo, of course

Song of the Day: 'Biggest Part of Me' by Ambrosia

November 30, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) At dark times like this, sometimes the only thing to do is stay in bed and listen to Ambrosia. 


November 29, 2016 From: Boy Culture Training Day

Song of the Day: 'Breathe In' by Frou Frou

November 29, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) Just discovered this little gem from 2002, which is about the most "recent" song I've caught onto in years!

Song of the Day: 'November Sun' by Susanna Hoffs

NOVEMBER 28, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) Is the sun really about to set on November?


November 28, 2016 From: Boy Culture To Go! 

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 25, 2016

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things Nathan by Mike Tossy

Guys with iPhones: November 25, 2016

Look Down, Look Down From: Fleshbot Upon this uncut cock!

Morning Wood

NOVEMBER 25, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) Ending a week of Movember Morning Woods with a celebrity -- dreamy David Giuntoli of "Grimm" fame .

Guydar- November 25, 2016

From: Boy Culture Angel-faced subway rider

Song of the Day: 'Happy Birthday' by Debbie Harry

NOVEMBER 25, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) Grandma and Grandpa with the grandchildren circa 2008 Here's wishing my mother a very happy 75th birthday!

BosGuy Brain Teaser

November 25, 2016 From: BosGuy What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?


November 24, 2016 From: Boy Culture

Furry Friday

November 25, 2016 From: BosGuy If you live in Boston, I’m sure you know Matt who is as friendly as he is handsome. If you like, you can follow him on his Instagram account @thefunke .

GIF Of The Day: November 24, 2016

Connor Maguire's Extra Scrotal Skin, Hot or Hot? From: Fleshbot Just in time for turkey day.

Black Friday

November 25, 2016  From: BosGuy Black Friday is traditionally considered the start of the Christmas shopping season and is best characterized mad house of crazed shoppers invading every mall and retail shop. As a result, each “Black Friday” I share my version, which I think most of my readers will agree is far more palatable than heading to a mall.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating today. Have a great day with, and despite your family :) From: kenneth in the (212)

Morning Wood

NOVEMBER 22, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212)

Morning Wood

NOVEMBER 21, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212)

Song of the Day: 'The Painted Desert' by 10,000 Maniacs

 NOVEMBER 21, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212) I'm in Arizona this week for Thanksgiving and to celebrate my mom's 75th birthday. This year hasn't been a good one. Still, I try to remind myself that just when you think things couldn't get any worse they could -- so why not hold on to what you have to be thankful for?

Saturday Morning Comic: Adam and Andy

 November 19, 2016 From: Boss Guy ADAM & ANDY is set in the fictional New England town of Woodfield, CT. You can learn more about this strip by visiting, adamandandy.com . To see previous Adam and Andy cartoons link here .


November 18, 2016 From: Boy Culture

Morning Wood : NOVEMBER 18, 2016

From: kenneth in the (212) Watch him rev his engine  HERE .

Bonus fur

November 18, 2016 From: Bos Guy Enjoy the weekend and thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.

Guys with iPhones: November 16, 2016

Dressed Down From: Fleshbot Is he wearing a clear cock ring or is that like a permanent indentation from where he wore one nonstop for four years?

Happy Birthday today November 16th

Happy 24th to SNL's hilarious and adorable Pete Davidson! From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Morning Wood

NOVEMBER 16, 2016 From: kenneth in the (212)

GIF Of The Day: November 15, 2016

 It's Supposed To Go In The Mouth From: Fleshbot Or you can just feverishly slap someone's face with it. Whichever. 

Morning Wood

NOVEMBER 15, 2016 From: NewNowNext

Favorite Underwear of the Day: November 15, 2008

Any pair worn by the smokin hot Tyson Ballou From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 14, 2016

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things mdunston by takeapic4u

Happy Birthday today November 14th

Happy 45th to actor Josh Duhamel! From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things  Josh Duhamel in  Spaceman  2016

Favorite Male Model of the Day: November 13, 2007

Nicholas Lemons From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things Nicholas Lemons is truly one of the hottest models working today. It was difficult to narrow down the photos to post, so there are more than usual! He just screams sex to me. His tattoo is interesting as it changes in different photo shoots, and in one pic it is not there at all. They are all Nicholas, not sure if the tattoo was covered for shoots, but the chest area was added after the arm. One hot hot favorite hunk!